Class RapidContext.Widget


The base class for the HTML user interface widgets. The Widget class shouldn't be instantiated directly, instead one of the subclasses should be instantiated.

Constructor Summary
The base class for the HTML user interface widgets.
Field Summary
The global widget registry.
Method Summary
Adds one or more children to this widget.
Adds a single child DOM node to this widget.
Adds the specified CSS class names to this HTML DOM node.
Performs a visual effect animation on this widget.
Blurs (unfocuses) this DOM node and all relevant child nodes.
The internal widget destructor function.
Disables this widget if it was previously enabled.
Dispatches a single event from this DOM node.
Enables this widget if it was previously disabled.
Returns an array with all child DOM nodes.
Checks if this HTML DOM node has the specified CSS class names.
Hides this widget node if it was previously visible.
Checks if this widget is disabled.
Checks if this widget node is hidden.
Removes one or more previously attached event listeners.
Attaches a listener function for one or more events.
Attaches a single event listener function.
Removes all children to this widget.
Removes a single child DOM node from this widget.
Removes the specified CSS class names from this HTML DOM node.
Updates the widget or HTML DOM node attributes.
Updates the CSS styles of this HTML DOM node.
Shows this widget node if it was previously hidden.
Toggles adding and removing the specified CSS class names to and from this HTML DOM node.
Returns the unique identifier for this DOM node.
Creates a new widget with the specified name, attributes and child widgets or DOM nodes.
Destroys a widget or a DOM node.
Checks if the specified object is a widget.


new Widget()

The base class for the HTML user interface widgets. The Widget class shouldn't be instantiated directly, instead one of the subclasses should be instantiated.

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(static) Classes

The global widget registry. This is a widget lookup table where all widgets should have an entry. The entries should be added as the JavaScript file are loaded. Each widget is indexed by the widget name (class name) and point to the constructor function.

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Adds one or more children to this widget. This method will flatten any arrays among the arguments and ignores any null or undefined arguments. Any DOM nodes or widgets will be added to the end, and other objects will be converted to a text node first. Subclasses should normally override the addChildNode() method instead of this one, since that is the basis for DOM node insertion.

Name Type Attributes Description
child {string|Node|Array} <repeatable>
the children to add
RapidContext_Widget.js, line 581


Adds a single child DOM node to this widget. This method is sometimes overridden by child widgets in order to hide or control intermediate DOM nodes required by the widget.

Name Type Description
child {Widget|Node} the DOM node to add
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Adds the specified CSS class names to this HTML DOM node.

Name Type Attributes Description
cls {string|Array} <repeatable>
the CSS class names to add
RapidContext_Widget.js, line 343


Performs a visual effect animation on this widget. This is implemented using the MochiKit.Visual effect package. All options sent to this function will be passed on to the appropriate MochiKit.Visual function.

Name Type Description
opts {Object} the visual effect options
Name Type Description
effect {string} the MochiKit.Visual effect name
queue {string} the MochiKit.Visual queue handling, defaults to "replace" and a unique scope for each widget (see MochiKit.Visual for full options)
Use CSS animations instead.
widget.animate({ effect: "fade", duration: 0.5 });
widget.animate({ effect: "Move", transition: "spring", y: 300 });
RapidContext_Widget.js, line 502


Blurs (unfocuses) this DOM node and all relevant child nodes. This function will recursively blur all <a>, <button>, <input>, <textarea> and <select> child nodes found.

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The internal widget destructor function. This method should only be called by destroyWidget() and may be overridden by subclasses. By default this method does nothing.

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Disables this widget if it was previously enabled. This method is equivalent to calling setAttrs({ disabled: true }).

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emit(event, optsopt) → {boolean}

Dispatches a single event from this DOM node. Also creates a new CustomEvent instance if needed.

Name Type Attributes Description
event {string/Event} the event type name or instance
opts {Object} <optional>
the event options
Name Type Attributes Default Description
async {boolean} <optional>
true the async dispatch flag
bubbles {boolean} <optional>
the event bubbles flag
cancelable {boolean} <optional>
the cancellable event flag
detail {Object} <optional>
the additional event details
{boolean} true if event was async or not cancelled
Inherited From:
rapidcontext/ui/event.mjs, line 26


Enables this widget if it was previously disabled. This is equivalent to calling setAttrs({ disabled: false }).

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getChildNodes() → {Array}

Returns an array with all child DOM nodes. Note that the array is a real JavaScript array, not a dynamic NodeList. This method is sometimes overridden by child widgets in order to hide intermediate DOM nodes required by the widget.

{Array} the array of child DOM nodes
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hasClass(…cls) → {boolean}

Checks if this HTML DOM node has the specified CSS class names. Note that more than one CSS class name may be checked, in which case all must be present.

Name Type Attributes Description
cls {string|Array} <repeatable>
the CSS class names to check
{boolean} true if all CSS classes were present, or false otherwise
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Hides this widget node if it was previously visible. This method is equivalent to calling setAttrs({ hidden: true }). It is safe for all types of widgets, since it only adds the widgetHidden CSS class instead of setting the display style property.

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isDisabled() → {boolean}

Checks if this widget is disabled. This method checks both the "widgetDisabled" CSS class and the disabled property. Changes to the disabled status can be made with enable(), disable() or setAttrs().

{boolean} true if the widget is disabled, or false otherwise
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isHidden() → {boolean}

Checks if this widget node is hidden. This method checks for the existence of the widgetHidden CSS class. It does NOT check the actual widget visibility (the display style property set by animations for example).

{boolean} true if the widget is hidden, or false otherwise
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off(eventopt, selectoropt, listeneropt) → {Node}

Removes one or more previously attached event listeners. If no event details or listeners are specified, all matching handlers are removed.

Name Type Attributes Description
event {string} <optional>
the event type name (or space separated names)
selector {string} <optional>
the CSS selector to match for event target
listener {function} <optional>
the event handler function (or false)
{Node} the input DOM node (for chaining calls)
Inherited From:
rapidcontext/ui/event.mjs, line 77

on(event, selectoropt, listener, optsopt) → {Node}

Attaches a listener function for one or more events.

Name Type Attributes Description
event {string} the event type name (or space separated names)
selector {string} <optional>
the CSS selector to match for event target
listener {function} the event handler function (or false)
opts {Object} <optional>
the event listener options (see addEventListener)
Name Type Attributes Description
delay {number} <optional>
an inactivity delay before calling listener
{Node} the input DOM node (for chaining calls)
Inherited From:
rapidcontext/ui/event.mjs, line 44

once(event, selectoropt, listener, optsopt) → {Node}

Attaches a single event listener function. The listener will be removed the first time an event is triggered.

Name Type Attributes Description
event {string} the event type name (or space separated names)
selector {string} <optional>
the CSS selector to match for event target
listener {function} the event handler function (or false)
opts {Object} <optional>
the event listener options (see addEventListener)
Name Type Attributes Description
delay {number} <optional>
an inactivity delay before calling listener
{Node} the input DOM node (for chaining calls)
Inherited From:
rapidcontext/ui/event.mjs, line 60


Removes all children to this widget. This method will also destroy and child widgets and disconnect all signal listeners. This method uses the getChildNodes() and removeChildNode() methods to find and remove the individual child nodes.

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Removes a single child DOM node from this widget. This method is sometimes overridden by child widgets in order to hide or control intermediate DOM nodes required by the widget.

Note that this method will NOT destroy the removed child widget, so care must be taken to ensure proper child widget destruction.

Name Type Description
child {Widget|Node} the DOM node to remove
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Removes the specified CSS class names from this HTML DOM node. Note that this method will not remove any class starting with "widget".

Name Type Attributes Description
cls {string|Array} <repeatable>
the CSS class names to remove
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Updates the widget or HTML DOM node attributes. This method is sometimes overridden by individual widgets to allow modification of additional widget attributes.

Name Type Description
attrs {Object} the widget and node attributes to set
Name Type Attributes Description
disabled {boolean} <optional>
the disabled widget flag
hidden {boolean} <optional>
the hidden widget flag
class {string} <optional>
the CSS class names
RapidContext_Widget.js, line 249


Updates the CSS styles of this HTML DOM node. This method is identical to MochiKit.Style.setStyle, but uses "this" as the first argument.

Name Type Description
styles {Object} an object with the styles to set
widget.setStyle({ "font-size": "bold", "color": "red" });
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Shows this widget node if it was previously hidden. This method is equivalent to calling setAttrs({ hidden: false }). It is safe for all types of widgets, since it only removes the widgetHidden CSS class instead of setting the display style property.

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toggleClass(…cls) → {boolean}

Toggles adding and removing the specified CSS class names to and from this HTML DOM node. If all the CSS classes are already set, they will be removed. Otherwise they will be added.

Name Type Attributes Description
cls {string|Array} <repeatable>
the CSS class names to remove
{boolean} true if the CSS classes were added, or false otherwise
RapidContext_Widget.js, line 386

uid() → {string}

Returns the unique identifier for this DOM node. If a node id has already been set, that id will be returned. Otherwise a new id will be generated and assigned to the widget DOM node.

{string} the the unique DOM node identifier
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(static) createWidget(name, attrs, …childopt) → {Widget}

Creates a new widget with the specified name, attributes and child widgets or DOM nodes. The widget class name must have been registered in the RapidContext.Widget.Classes lookup table, or an exception will be thrown. This function is identical to calling the constructor function directly.

Name Type Attributes Description
name {string} the widget class name
attrs {Object} the widget and node attributes
child {Node|Widget} <optional>
the child widgets or DOM nodes
{Widget} the widget DOM node
{ReferenceError} if the widget class name couldn't be found in RapidContext.Widget.Classes
RapidContext_Widget.js, line 144

(static) destroyWidget(node)

Destroys a widget or a DOM node. This function will remove the DOM node from its parent, disconnect any signals and call destructor functions. It is also applied recursively to to all child nodes. Once destroyed, all references to the widget object should be cleared to reclaim browser memory.

Name Type Description
node {Widget|Node|NodeList|Array} the DOM node or list
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(static) isWidget(obj, classNameopt) → {boolean}

Checks if the specified object is a widget. Any non-null object that looks like a DOM node and has the element class "widget" will cause this function to return true. Otherwise, false will be returned. As an option, this function can also check if the widget has a certain class by checking for an additional CSS class "widget<className>" (which is a standard followed by all widgets).

Name Type Attributes Description
obj {Object} the object to check
className {string} <optional>
the optional widget class name
{boolean} true if the object looks like a widget, or false otherwise
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